Source code for openskill.models.common

Common functions for all models.

from typing import Any, List

[docs] def _unary_minus(number: float) -> float: """ Takes value of a number and makes it negative. :param number: A number to convert. :return: Converted number. """ return -number
[docs] def _arg_sort(vector: List[Any]) -> List[int]: """ Returns the indices that would sort a vector. :param vector: A list of objects. :return: Rank vector without ties. """ return [i for (v, i) in sorted((v, i) for (i, v) in enumerate(vector))]
[docs] def _rank_data(vector: List[Any]) -> List[int]: """ Sorting with 'competition ranking'. Pure python equivalent of :code:`scipy.stats.rankdata` function. :param vector: A list of objects. :return: Rank vector with ties. """ vector_length = len(vector) arg_sort_rank_vector = _arg_sort(vector) arg_sorted_vector = [vector[rank] for rank in arg_sort_rank_vector] sum_ranks = 0 duplicate_count = 0 rank_vector_with_ties = [0] * vector_length for index in range(vector_length): sum_ranks += index duplicate_count += 1 if ( index == vector_length - 1 or arg_sorted_vector[index] != arg_sorted_vector[index + 1] ): for j in range(index - duplicate_count + 1, index + 1): rank_vector_with_ties[arg_sort_rank_vector[j]] = ( index + 1 - duplicate_count + 1 ) sum_ranks = 0 duplicate_count = 0 return rank_vector_with_ties
[docs] def _matrix_transpose(matrix: List[List[Any]]) -> List[List[Any]]: """ Transpose a matrix. :param matrix: A matrix in the form of a list of lists. :return: A transposed matrix. """ return [list(row) for row in zip(*matrix)]